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14 Tips to Help Tech Leaders Nail Their Q1 Goals

Expert Panel, Forbes Technology Council,

Everyone wants to start the new year off on the right foot. Whether you want to establish a new goal or continue the positive trajectory of a current one, a strong start to Q1 can set you up for a great remainder of the year. What you need is a plan to make it happen.

As successful leaders in the tech field, the members of Forbes Technology Council know how to set and achieve both short-term and long-term business goals. Below, they share 14 tips to help you and your team nail your Q1 tech goals.

7. Focus On Your Outcomes, Not The Technology

Focus on the business outcome. I’ve seen so many tech-centered goals fail because they were exactly that, centered on the tech. You’ll need support and alignment with a lot of stakeholders to drive any real change, so keeping your eye on the business prize helps keep everyone on your side, and that’s what makes the difference between success and yet another expensive, failed science project. – Geoff Webb, PROS

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