Transforming the Digital Retail Experience for Airlines
Airlines are moving to a much more customer-centric state, focusing on building brand trust and customer loyalty.
Playing a major role in the travelers' journey, airlines are uniquely positioned to capture all the micro moments of
customers from inspiration to post-trip across the direct web and mobile channels.
PROS Retail for airlines offers a single, configurable, end-to-end solution for an airline's digital customer
experience platform to optimize offers and user experience throughout the entire traveler journey, from inspiration
to post-trip. With hands-on control and science in how offers are designed and displayed, airlines can differentiate
and elevate the digital experience increasing conversion, driving customer satisfaction and revenues.
The Key to Retailing Success
is Customer Experience
Customer experience is the one of the top 3 priorities for airlines in the next
3-5 years, together with technology innovation and safety
. It is also the driver
for why most airlines digital initiatives are focused around customer experience:
Consumer Experience Mobile Experience/App
Website Shopping/
Booking Experience
Flexible & Customizable
Offer, Order
& Trip Management
Open API,
Easy Integration
PSS and GDS Agnostic
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2019 PROS/Hanover Airline Digitization Study