Margin pressure? Revenue leakage?
It's time for PROS Enterprise AI
Transform your pricing and sales strategies with the PROS Enterprise AI platform
to drive profitable growth and competitive advantage in the food industry.
Dynamic Pricing
Price according to market realities by using formula-based
pricing algorithms to tie prices to your market index
subscriptions, such as edible oils, soy, sugar, etc., in real time.
This automates index monitoring so you can meet margins
on the cost of goods sold while keeping pricing competitive.
Streamlined End-to-End Selling Processes
AI-powered Quoting by PROS can be set up for guided
selling workflows, ensuring that the correct product is made
regardless of a manufacturer's configuration complexity.
Minimize the internal complexity of workflows and approvals
in order to improve quote speed and accuracy.
Pricing and Selling Fluidity
Gain the ability to update price lists quickly, forecast demand,
and offer tailored price guidance and price optimization
to easily align with the market so that when the market
moves, you move with it. PROS proactive pricing software
supplies you with the information needed to quickly pivot to
better manage inventory and market exposure, develop new
avenues for distribution from suppliers and to customers,
and manage additional SKUs.
Manage Complexity with Precision and Ease
Food companies are faced with the challenges of narrow
margins, volatile commodity prices, limited visibility into the
effectiveness of spend, slow reactions to market changes, and
lengthy quote turnaround times; don't face these challenges
with manual processes and legacy systems.
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PROS Enterprise AI for the Food Industry