White Papers

PROS and Skyscanner: Guide to Offer Optimization via Metasearch

Issue link: https://pros.com/learn/i/1519968

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19 As the industry advances to modern airline retailing, opportunities for more meaningful retailing through the metasearch channel multiply. This directly translates into increased potential for airlines to generate revenues. To make the most out of these opportunities the travel ecosystem needs to come together and actively collaborate – airlines, their meta partners and travel technology providers. Legacy outdated technology will still be a recurring challenge for a few more years to come. But with direct offer distribution and the adoption of AI for offer optimization there is potential for some truly innovative thinking in the airline retail space today. Thanks to the vast amounts of traveler demand data metasearch engines possess and their key role for reach and customer acquisition, these digital savvy travel players are and will be key to bringing innovation to life. To quote PROS President of Travel, Surain Adyanthaya – "It's an exciting and transformational time for the airline industry." So, we urge our airline customers and travel partners to join forces, explore offer optimization through metasearch and go far together on the path to commercial autonomy and retail freedom. Explore more about airline offer optimization in the e-guide "Airline Digital Transformation and Retail Freedom Through Offer Optimization." What's ahead?

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