Tip Sheets

Beyond Price: Unveiling the Truth Behind Common Pricing Myths

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PRICING REALITY CHECK Pricing at the customer/product/SKU level is like trying to live on Mars. It's really hard. That's why pricing leaders can no longer use traditional pricing tools and spreadsheets to manage and deliver a multitude of price points. It is nearly impossible to try and calculate the win-rate and price optimized sell price at any level and impossible at the customer/SKU level. On the other hand, PROS AI-Powered price optimization and management capabilities allow pricing leaders to deliver tailored, market-relevant prices in real time to sales teams, eCommerce platforms, partners, and customers with ease. Our solutions ensure personalized buying experiences for shoppers across all channels, with pricing science that understands every buyer's willingness to pay. So, whether your go-to-market strategy is willingness-to- pay, cost-plus, or inventory lifecycle management, we have algorithms and a user interface (UI) that makes managing and executing price lists easy, fast, and accurate. Evolving your GTM to value-based pricing, you can leverage our AI that will optimize revenue and profit for all of these scenarios. And it's easier to use than managing hundreds of Excel files. The PROS AI-powered platform is so powerful yet simple to use that a junior pricing analyst can execute a billion price combinations in a matter of minutes—and no Excel formula- building skills required. Myth #8: "Pricing software is too expensive." TRUTH: PROS solutions are proven to drive profitable growth and the software typically pays for itself in a few months. Here are a few statistics: The time to value is less than 3 months and sometimes in as little as 2 weeks. The time to payout is less than 6 months and sometimes in just weeks or days. The average margin improvement is +200 basis points and as high as +500 basis points. And the average revenue lift is 8% or as high as 100%. You can check out more details in this ROI study. In another study conducted by Forrester, PROS solutions delivered 400% ROI. Our solutions ensure personalized buying experiences for shoppers across all channels, with pricing science that understands every buyer's willingness to pay. Scan the code to learn about Enterprise AI for pricing teams

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