White Papers

Offer and Order – Looking to 2025 and beyond

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14 Technical feasibility Advancements in microservices, APIs and cloud computing make modularity technically feasible. These technologies enable airlines to decouple their systems into independently developed, deployed and scaled components. This modular approach allows for quicker updates, integration of new features and tailoring of IT infrastructure without the constraints of monolithic legacy systems, resulting in greater agility and a more responsive IT ecosystem. Commercial feasibility Commercially, airlines can select the best solutions for each function by procuring modules from different vendors, enhancing an airline's power when it comes to vendor pricing and terms. This approach reduces the need to compromise on capabilities. Additionally, airlines can spread investments over time, adding modules as needed instead of making substantial upfront investments in monolithic systems. Risks Modular systems can introduce integration complexities, especially with multiple vendors and platforms. Ensuring consistent performance and security across a fragmented IT landscape is challenging. The initial investment to transition from legacy systems can be substantial, and benefits may not materialise if implementation is not effectively managed. Airlines must weigh up these factors to ensure modularity enhances their commercial autonomy.

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