White Papers

Offer and Order – Looking to 2025 and beyond

Issue link: https://pros.com/learn/i/1527449

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17 2.3 Transition approaches. Airlines entering the design phase of transitioning to Offers and Orders in 2025 face the challenge of sequencing this move and determining how to phase out their passenger service systems. A common question is whether to implement "offers" first or "orders" first. From our perspective, both should be pursued simultaneously. While certain offer capabilities, such as new ancillary products and dynamically adjusted pricing have been introduced without integrating orders in the past, it is generally inadvisable to continue adding features without planning for migration to orders. Our extensive work with airlines indicates a preference for a phased approach that delivers immediate value while simultaneously implementing long-term architectural changes toward the new offer and order paradigms. Commercial and IT teams are increasingly aligned in the belief that value must be delivered throughout the transition process. In planning their transition, airlines must consider key factors like the contractual end dates of existing PSS software, which often dictate the timeline and distribution contract renewal dates that impact the ability to leverage new offer capabilities. Therefore, an airline's transition is not solely a technological endeavour; it requires aligning overall vision and business strategy and coordinating plans across technology, organisation and contractual agreements.

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