White Papers

Offer and Order – Looking to 2025 and beyond

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28 To 2025 and beyond The journey to modern airline retailing is already underway, even while still being underpinned by a legacy PSS environment. First movers are already reaping the benefits – improved, cost-effective distribution with differentiated content and pricing through NDC, alongside increased revenue from optimised offers through dynamic and continuous prices for both flights and ancillaries. To all airlines hesitant whether to start now, or where to begin – it is important to define a long-term vision with visibility on your overall transformation strategy. However, it is still possible, and highly recommended, to start small, with tangible steps that add value to your business today. Identify certain use cases, perhaps separate individual markets or channels, and use these as a basis to increase the scope. You can transition slowly, but this allows you to generate value along your transition path, as opposed to getting buy-in for a major transformation program associated with high risk, cost and uncertainty. A pragmatic value-driven approach will help secure the necessary internal stakeholder support while minimising risk, investments, and accounting for unknowns further down the road. PROS is partnering with airlines of all sizes to help them apply this approach to the transition. Although strategies, priorities, resources and existing commercial and technical realities across these airlines differ, the shared aspiration toward commercial autonomy and retail freedom unites them, helping them realise value today. We're excited to take more airlines on this journey to owning the next generation of Offer through smaller offer optimisation, creation, and distribution focused steps, and onwards to portfolio management and beyond. Christopher Allison, Director, Product Management, Offer & Order The past two years have strongly focused on foundational work, both for airlines individually and IATA with the consortium from an overall industry perspective. We have been privileged to be involved with both and have seen the progress made. Many will complain about the snail's pace of the industry – I'd refer to the baobab tree analogy in the opening of this paper. Our industry's processes are complex and have not become simpler in the past years – the opposite is the case. I see a lack of courage by airlines to get rid of legacy processes. I see a lack of innovation and speed by the vendors in developing new solutions. However, the two "problems" I see above require both parties to work together to resolve them. Each alone will not reach the goals of this transformation. As Travel in Motion, we urge vendors to work together despite the competitive environment. We urge airlines to work together to develop better, more efficient processes. And we urge all of you to work together, have patience and have courage. Daniel Friedli Managing Director & Partner

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