White Papers

Offer and Order – Looking to 2025 and beyond

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6 Of the four stages of a transformation — concept, design, deliver and operate — the Offer and Order Transformation can move from concept to design. Looking at the more recent activities and the current state of the industry, Travel in Motion (TiM) already stated in early 2024 that the industry is out of the concept phase and has entered the design phase. While in some areas the design is well advanced, there are areas which still require considerable work. If, for the sake of this paper, we simplify Offers and Orders into four core components according to the often-used acronym OOSD (Offer, Order, Settle, Deliver), we can clearly see the maturity differences. Offer has been propelled by the airlines' ambitions to move to dynamic offers, the maturity and sophistication of revenue management, the increased offering and sales of ancillaries and, last but not least, the proliferation of NDC in the past years combined with the shift to direct distribution. Order, on the back of NDC and the solution providers which provide their Offer and Order Management System (OOMS) on top of a PSS, has matured as well. Furthermore, the data structure and many data interchange processes within Order have been defined by the industry. The Settle area has progressed considerably over the past two years, with several vendors not only having certified the required messages, but also through "proof of concept" type implementations with OOMS vendors and airlines. There are, however, still quite some areas which require further design. Finally, the Delivery aspect of the overall OOSD initiative is still in early stages. That is not to say that there has been no activity. At an industry level, airlines, ground handlers and DCS providers have had several discussions and workshops. This work is ongoing and will likely require some time still to be ready to build and implement.

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