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How Air Europa Increased Real-Time Fare Content for all Routes

Air Europa wanted to increase the number of fares displayed on airTRFX pages, but due to low search volume on some routes there were some fares that could not be consistently displayed. airTRFX real-time fares are collected by FareNet, which is powered by user searches in the airine’s booking engine. When no searches for a route occur, FareNet is not able to collect refreshed fares.

To solve this, PROS FareNet fares were supplemented with PROS FastSearch fares, empowering the Air Europa team with new marketing capabilities, increased fare content completeness, and improved scalability without incurring additional costs.

“After the integration of airTRFX and PROS Fast Search we brought the number of pages without dynamic fares from more than 1,000 down to 26.”

Sebastian Daviu - SEO Manager, Air Europa


Air Europa partnered with PROS to enhance their web presence and direct sales with both the airTRFX and airModules to launch landing pages with real-time fares for their entire route network at scale.

To power dynamic fares in airModules, Air Europa placed the PROS FareNet pixel on its internet booking engine (IBE) to collect fares as users search for flights and instantly send newly searched fares out to all endpoints where the fares are displayed, keeping fares updated with every search.

However, in some cases the number of searches for a route may be less than what is necessary to keep fares up-to-date. Due to a low number of searches for some routes, Air Europa needed an additional fare feed to populate the airModules on their airTRFX pages.


To ensure that all routes have fares available, PROS integrated the PROS FastSearch API into the PROS Platform and scheduled a small number of calls to supplement the FareNet-collected fares.

airTRFX displays the lowest available fare for the most popular routes, based on real user searches. If PROS does not have an updated FareNet-collected fare for the route, and PROS FastSearch does, then the PROS FastSearch fare will be used, so the most recently stored fare is displayed.

This combination with FareNet data increased the fare feed content available and enabled airTRFX to display the best available fares on all pages for every route, regardless of user searches.


Air Europa’s integration of airTRFX and PROS Fast Search delivers complete fare content on 1,196 routes for the next 365 days. Air Europa receives timely and updated fare content provided by up to 200 concurrent calls built into the FastSearch integration.

Additional content supplied via FareNet is unrestricted, giving the Air Europa team the scalability they need. Prior to the integration, Air Europa had more than 1,000 pages in their Spanish site edition with missing fare content. Now, with both FareNet and Pros FastSearch, Air Europa displays fares on all airTRFX pages.