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B2B Buyer Survey: Distribution Industry Results

What do buyers of distributed products want from their buying experience? How do B2B distribution buyers compare to those that buy from other industries? PROS and Hanover conducted a study to find out

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There’s no denying it: B2B Buyers have changed forever. In the past, distributors believed that their relationships, knowledge of their customers, and overall brand protected them from inferior competitors—and that their customers would stay with them no matter what. However, the distribution landscape is rapidly changing with the likes of Amazon, Home Depot, and Walmart moving into the B2B space with their superior technology and vast customer data. 

To help you in your consideration of how to meet the new B2B buyer’s expectations, PROS worked with Hanover Research to survey the perspectives of purchasing and procurement leaders on what was important to them in the buying experience. Those results are found in: What B2B Buyers Want: A Survey of 1053 Purchasing Professionals

However, we wanted to dig deeper. What about today’s buyers of distributed products? What do B2B distribution buyers want and how do they compare to those that buy from other industries? Do they really want ease? Convenience? Better prices? More personalization? Moreover, what should distributors do to fulfill their needs? 

Our learnings are found in this eBook.  

In this eBook, you’ll get an inside look into B2B distribution buyers’ perspectives on:  

  • Subscription based services  
  • Self-service ordering 
  • Personalized offer recommendations 
  • Methods of gaining information on products 
  • Product loyalty 
  • Omni-channel experiences 
  • The availability of digital purchasing  
  • The amount of purchases done through digital platforms