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Computerworld: High-powered analytics in the real world


September 12, 2016

The 2016 Data+ Editors’ Choice Awards honorees were selected for their ability to make smarter decisions for their organizations by extracting business insights from big data (sortable chart, below)

Welcome to the stories of the 2016 Computerworld Data+ Editors’ Choice Award honorees.

Chosen by a panel of Computerworld editors, this year’s 20 winning organizations have used data analytics to achieve a wide spectrum of gains, from improving business profitability to uncovering trends in criminal activity and reducing energy use — even keeping trains running on schedule.

Interested in finding a project that might be specific to what you do? We’ve collected and categorized them all in a searchable table, below — click through any item in the first column to see a project profile. Or, you can browse the projects by clicking through them in the navigation strip at the bottom of this story and all the project profiles. And remember to read through the full September digital magazine, which features the winners as well as news analysis, opinions and more.




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