
MARKET LEADERSHIP | Continuous Offer Innovation

PROS is the leading AI innovator for the airline industry

Artificial Intelligence isn’t just a buzz word at PROS, it is the backbone of our solutions and what makes customers more successful than their industry peers.

PROS pioneered revenue management and hasn’t stopped innovating since. Whether its willingness to pay, continuous pricing, or offer marketing, we are a market leader with a reputation for vision, innovation and results.

You want to retail when, how and where you want and lucky for you, PROS innovation is defining modern airline retailing. Our Offer and Order Management portfolio is putting the control back in your hands.

Struggling to modernize and simplify your commercial model?- You’ve come to the right place to define your offer-driven future.

CUSTOMERS | Partnership & Trust

Not just another vendor, a trusted partner ... our customers will tell you why

Adopting technology trends to drive your business is one thing, but harnessing the power of predictive AI to create optimal offers and orders is another.

One of the biggest secrets to our success? We know the meaning and value of true partnership. Co-creation and co-innovation. As trusted partners, we work with our customers and help turn ideas into reality — together.

OUTCOMES | Customer Results

Do your investments field both revenue uplift and cost savings?

In a world where costs continue to skyrocket, focus investments that prepare you for the future and pay you back.

We don’t like to boast, but with more than 130 happy airline customers across the globe, we have a lot to be proud of. Results like…


Average 2-3% Revenue Lift with PROS Revenue Management


Up to 1.5% additional Revenue Lift with Continuous Pricing


Up to 9% Revenue Lift with Dynamic Ancillary Science


Up to 2% additional Revenue Lift with Request-Specific Pricing


Up to $2 million GDS Savings

SOLUTIONS | Offer and Order Management​

PROS really knows how to optimize the offer — lucky for you, that's the key to your future growth

Competition in the airline industry is fierce. And every technology investment you make is an investment in your future. You need to prioritize mastering the offer, the key component to driving value, revenue and profitability.

From premier revenue forecasting capabilities to real-time dynamic pricing and offer creation and distribution, PROS is the one-stop-shop for offer management, allowing you to retail how, when and where you want, and break-free of legacy investments that don’t pay dividends.

Airline Revenue Management

PROS Airline Revenue Management software utilizes proven AI to forecast and optimize bid prices. Known as the industry leader in airline revenue management, PROS cutting-edge AI-powered forecasting capabilities maximize revenue across every seat, flight and market.

Airline Offer Creation​

PROS Dynamic Offers fuels AI-based offer creation, allowing airlines to design and distribute dynamically priced products (seat + ancillaries). Power the dotcom, metasearch engines and NDC channels with airline-led, off-PSS shopping, reshopping and merchandising capabilities.

Airline Offer Marketing

PROS Offer Marketing solutions help airlines drive customer-centric marketing strategies that fuel direct channel growth and customer acquisition. Increase web traffic, improve conversion rates, enhance customer experiences, and drive brand engagement both on and off the airline dot com.

Airline Real-Time Dynamic Pricing​

PROS Real-Time Dynamic Pricing gives airlines more pricing flexibility and channel control by computing seat availability and dynamically pricing offers in real-time. With proven AI, confidently offeraccurate, real-time availability across all channels to increase conversions and reduce revenue leakage.  

Airline Dynamic Ancillary Pricing​

PROS Dynamic Ancillary Pricing delivers AI-powered dynamic pricing science to ancillary sales. Take PROS AI to the next level and price, rank and bundle ancillaries based on customer segmentation to maximize revenue with every purchase. ​

Airline Corporate Sales

PROS Corporate Sales drives efficient, end-to-end contract digitization featuring AI-driven recommendations for personalized discounts and soft-factor incentives. Move away from commoditized corporate sales and spreadsheets to capture more revenue, maximize customer loyalty, and drive customer lifetime value. 

Airline Group Sales

PROS Group Sales Optimizer gives airlines full control of their group offers with a digital end-to-end solution to effectively manage pricing, bookings, and contracts. Increase airline group sales productivity and revenue with sales automation and AI-powered dynamic pricing.  


Are you sure your technology partners are as sound as they say they are?

Technology investments need to evolve with you, regardless of where you decide to go. So, investing in partners with long-term financial viability is in your best interests — and we’re sure your board would agree.

As a profitable, publicly traded company on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE: PRO) PROS customers can be confident that they are building sustainable relationships with a partner that is here to stay.

Reliability & Consistency

PROS has a proven track record of fulfilling our commitments and delivering on time, ensuring your business stays on track
without unexpected disruptions.

Long-term Viability

As a profitable, publicly traded company on the New York
Stock Exchange (NYSE: PRO) PROS is held to rigorous
financial standards.

Risk Mitigation

PROS can help protect your business from risks and safeguard your investments. Unstable vendors pose potential dangers such as bankruptcy, sudden price hikes, or service discontinuation.


PROS invests significantly in our infrastructure, talent, and innovation, ensuring customers always have access to the latest advancements and benefit from continuous improvements.

Peace of Mind

Rest assured PROS has the resources to fulfill our
commitments, honor warranties, and provide the necessary


Thought leaders have a lot to say about the rapid innovation impacting the airline industry

Experts from across the industry, including PROS, IATA, Lufthansa, Emirates and other organizations share recent successes, perspective on industry trends and more.

Leading the Airline Retail Revolution

Next Generation Retailing: Modular, Flexible, Open and Powered by Cutting-Edge AI

TAKE FL(AI)GHT: A Journey Toward Customer-Centric Airline Retail

IATA: The State of Offer and Order Management

Building Future-Proof Revenue Management

Direct Distribution: How To Achieve Modern Airline Retailing

Digital Marketing and Revenue Management Collaboration to Drive...

Best-in-Class Training for Revenue Management

PARTNERS | PROS Partner Ecosystem

Open? Check. Modular? Check. Ready for the future of airline retailing? You bet.

The PROS platform is powerful, but even more powerful when complemented by other industry innovators hell-bent on ensuring you can architect your modern retail ecosystem. That’s why the PROS Airline Offer and Order Management strategy is built with a partner-open philosophy.

Our partner ecosystem helps you build your retail ecosystem intentionally and prevents vendor lock-in. Break-free of vendor monopoly. Prioritize scale, AI, innovation and time-to-market, so that you can see better results, faster.

No Vendor

Proven Multi-Vendor Integration

Rapid Innovation and Time-to-market

Best-of-breed Retail Modules

BY THE NUMBERS | PROS Industry Leadership​

Why PROS? Because our numbers don't lie...

Understand the data behind our value proposition and what we deliver to the airline industry.


Transactions per Minute


Airline Customers


Choice for Revenue Management


Choice for Offer Marketing




Data Scientists


Patents and Patents-pending


Proven AI models






Average Revenue Uplift over other RM systems


Years of Industry Experience 


Rest easy. Your data is safe with PROS

Robust information security and compliance are paramount in today’s digital landscape, where the rapid exchange of sensitive data and the increasing sophistication of cyber threats demand stringent measures.

Over a Trillion Transactions a Year

PROS applications are deployed globally under a Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) model in a multi-cloud environment. Cloud providers include Microsoft Azure, IBM Cloud and Amazon Web Services (AWS).

Housed in SOC2-certified data centers, it has the security and availability features you demand of a mission-critical application, including monitoring and disaster recovery centers.

Beyond Secure

Compliant with GDPR, SSAE18 SOC 2 Type 2, ISO 27001, ISO 27018, and Cloud Security Alliance’s Cloud Control Matrix.

Built to Scale

Configured with elasticity to meet your performance
requirements, architected for high availability.

Built to Scale

Built to work within complex airline IT infrastructures.
Integrated with all industry standard APIs, including NDC, IATA PAOREQ, PAORES, EDIFACT and more. Out-of-the-box connectors that integrate with all standard PSS providers.