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A Distributor’s Innovation Roadmap to Success in the New Digital Normal

About the Webinar 

Distributors have made progress in navigating through this unprecedented disruption, but much more is needed. In our second webinar for the NAW Innovate to Dominate Series, we follow up with Michael DeCata, President and CEO of Lawson Products, to hear how he is navigating through COVID-19 and how it has accelerated his plans around innovation, which he outlined in our first webinar. Drawing on our podcast series and the research behind Innovate to Dominate, Richard Blatcher of PROS; Mark Dancer, NAW Institute Fellow and Author of Innovate to Dominate; and Michael DeCata explore how distributors must implement an “innovation ecosystem” to compete in the new normal. 

In this Webinar We Discuss these Key Points:

Other Resources for You:  

Also, join us virtually for Outperform 2020 — our digital transformation conference for pricing & selling professionals, happening this October 7-8.