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Transforming Air Cargo Pricing and Selling with AI

Air cargo companies are delivering more than precious freight these days. Now, customer experience is part of the load. Like buyers everywhere, air cargo customers have grown accustomed to the convenience introduced by Amazon, Google and Netflix. The expectation of the buying experience has been set. And it was great to hear how Lufthansa Cargo is meeting the challenge.

Last week, at the IATA World Cargo Symposium in Singapore, Boris Hueske, Head of Digital Transformation at Lufthansa Cargo, described how the leading carrier is transforming air cargo pricing with the PROS AI-powered platform and Real-Time Pricing Engine as part of their digital commerce strategy. In the presentation, Boris was joined by Zeke Ziliak, VP, Global Transportation & Logistics at PROS, to lay it all out.

Instead of manual air cargo pricing and quoting, which can negatively impact yield and the customer experience, PROS is helping Lufthansa Cargo simplify how it’s done with a technology-driven approach.

“Many carriers still have manual pricing and quoting processes” says Zeke. “This results in two problems. First, a random spot price and a lower average yield. And second, it slows down the response to customers, which can frustrate buyers and prompt them to move to a competitor.”

In the new digital platform, machine learning algorithms powered by PROS will replace personal negotiation to provide real-time, online bookable offers. Customers will have an instant view of which capacities are available, on which route and at what price.  

Expected to be launched later this year, AI-supported spot quotes are part of Lufthansa Cargo’s vision for modernizing air cargo pricing and commerce in the industry. It’s an important move as digital commerce is on course to becoming the primary channel for cargo air carriers. Evidence shows that online bookings have been growing in every sector. And they’re expected to accelerate. According to a recent survey from Hanover that PROS commissioned, 20% of B2B companies currently derive more than half of sales from online channels. That number is expected to jump to 62% in just five years.

Companies that don’t adapt risk getting left behind. With competition on the rise and buyers in control, it’s critical to provide quick quote turnarounds, fair pricing, personalized offers and consistent experiences across channels. With the PROS AI-powered platform and real-time pricing, Lufthansa Cargo will have the agility they need to respond at the speed of digital business and compete more effectively in an ever-changing market. 

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About the Author

Rachel Feldt serves as PROS Field Marketing Manager for the Transportation & Logistics Travel Practice, which helps companies with origin and destination networks align sales and pricing solutions to realize margin and revenue opportunities.

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