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Capturing Demand & Driving Incremental Revenue with SEO

Four airlines share how airTRFX has improved their Organic Search Performance and Revenue

Planning for most trips starts with a search. SEO is one of the primary ways to acquire and convert new customers, and with strategies to enhance organic performance, airlines can ensure they are showing up for all relevant queries. Hear how airlines are leveraging their organic channel to drive direct channel growth and loyalty, and how airTRFX has become key to increase Organic Search traffic and revenue by outranking OTAs and MSEs.

PROS customers Air France, Aeromexico, Azul and Loganair joined us at Outperform for a panel discussion on how they are strategically using airTRFX to enhance their SEO performance.

Case Study: airTRFX Drives Incremental Traffic & Revenue

We started the panel with a SEO overview from PROS’s SEO Director, Enmanuel Tirado. Enmanuel shared the common SEO issues airlines face, as well as how airTRFX specifically addresses them.

This comprehensive study collected data on airTRFX page performance. The data shows that airTRFX brings all users a boost in incremental traffic and revenue, and for the users that follow airTRFX best practices the potenial improvement is massive.


Air France logo

Before launching airTRFX, Air France was manually building pages and did not have the capability to add dynamic prices. airTRFX automatically deploys pages that are SEO optimized for every destination in the airline’s network with fares that are updated constantly. Dynamic prices enhance SEO, and ensure these pages are visible in search engines when a traveler searches “flights to ______”.

Air France has added expansion sets to include dynamic fares for various cabin classes to better market their available premium offers for the 100+ markets and 12 languages the airline covers.

In addition to destination pages, Air France uses airTRFX Custom Pages to create SEO optimized content for other common search keywords. Popular travel searches that are not destination specific, such as “flights to French Rivera” or “winter trips” also help the airline drive traffic to their booking engine. The strategy is to expand SEO keywords to cover what customers are actually looking for and to ensure they are able to find the answers to their questions. Air France has launched SEO Custom Pages to help with traveler questions related to baggage and traveling with pets or infants.

See what Air France had to say about the impacts of airTRFX on their SEO strategy:

“Before we had a manual process which was very restrictive. Now we are using FareNet we are able to display dynamic prices to give the customer the best fares available in real-time, so that’s a huge improvement. We also give the customer the ability to compare and to choose the best travel class based on their budget so it’s a huge improvement for us.”

Sabine Legros
SEO Project Manager, Air France

AeroMexico logo

Aeromexico has been using airTRFX for 7 years, but their realization of the importance of SEO came during the COVID-19 Pandemic. During that time 100% of the airline’s revenue came from organic traffic. This channel was the least expensive to optimize as the airline needed to conserve budget throughout the crisis and cut paid search and paid ads.

To improve their SEO performance, Aeromexico decided to migrate their pages from subdomain to subdirectory. A subdomain is a new domain created to support the airTRFX pages, such as, while a subdirectory uses the existing domain and adds /flights to the end of the URL. Subdirectories are proven to have better SEO performance, and PROS managed the migration with Aeromexico. As a result, aeromexico’s pages saw a 30% improvement in the US market and a 10% improvement in the Mexican market.

Beyond airTRFX destination pages, Aeromexico has been sophisticated in their creation of airTRFX Custom Pages to support other popular keyword searches that are relevant to the airline. They have a variety of custom pages to perform for searches on popular sports teams and where they are playing next, as well as Mexican holidays like Cinco de Mayo and Dia de Muertos, where travelers both inside and outside of Mexico are searching to plan their travel in Mexico. They have also expanded their custom pages to perform for searches like “how to fly with pets” and “how to fly while pregnant” to capture additional traffic looking for relevant information before booking their travel.

Aeromexico’s next goal is to expand the markets and languages covered by their airTRFX pages. They will soon add Italian and Japanese to drive new customer acquisition in those markets.

Aeromexico has been using airTRFX for more than 7 years, hear what they had to say about the impacts on their SEO:

“Migrating from subdomain to subdirectory with PROS was seamless. The change was seamless. We increased 30% ranking keywords in the USA market, something we weren’t able to do in 10 years of The result was 30% better in the USA market and 10% better in the Mexico market so it was a great thing to do. So if you can do it, just do it.”

Brenda Soto
Digital Media Manager, Aeromexico


Loganair logo

As a regional airline, Loganair doesn’t have the budget to rely on paid search for traffic, so they have used SEO as a key strategy to ensure that they are able to deliver results with a limited marketing budget. Their marketing team consists of 3-4 people, but with airTRFX they can launch hundreds of destination pages at scale quickly that require minimal maintenance from the team and are constantly updated with dynamic prices. This means that their small team can have the flexibility and scale they need without costing them their limited resources.

Loganair now places airTRFX at the center of their performance marketing strategy and links pages across their digital channels – including PR and tourism bodies to give the airTRFX pages more credit. If a route is underperforming, the airline can use their airTRFX pages to create tactical promotions that are hyper-targeted for the destination and can instantly be put in front of users who are going to respond to the offer. This strategy has bridged the communication between Marketing and Revenue Management at the airline and enables multiple departments to participate in increasing sales for under-performing routes.

Loganair shares how airTRFX has improved their SEO capabilities and enabled them to drive acquisition through their most important channel:

“We can’t afford to use paid search constantly, and an SEO is key, organic rank is absolutely key to ensuring that we can manage our marketing budgets first and foremost. We’re driving traffic to our airTRFX pages through multiple channels and just putting it absolutely at the center of our performance marketing strategy because everything that we’re driving to is giving those pages more credit.”

Sam Talbot
Head of Marketing and Brand, Loganair

Azul logo

Since launching airTRFX, Azul has doubled the number of keywords they are ranking for in search engines. By using airTRFX, Azul has shifted their approach to generating content from inspirational to conversion-oriented. By emphasizing conversion, they are able to maximize revenue from online traffic to their pages.

To enhance SEO, they focus on creating indexable content that is relevant to common user searches. This strategy improves Azul’s SEO performance by driving the generation of content that is useful for the user that will get indexed by search engines, and the creation of pages that combines useful and conversion-oriented content.

Azul is now driving all traffic to airTRFX pages where users can see all available offers with dynamic prices, which leads to more qualified traffic entering the booking flow. This includes custom pages for both national and international travel, as well as for all Brazilian holidays – such as carnival – to share in social and email campaigns to drive more customer acquisition.

Check out highlights from the SEO panel featuring Azul:

“We doubled the amount of keywords we’re ranking for. airTRFX is pushing us to create pages that are useful for the user to get noticed by search engines. We’re creating pages that combine useful content and conversion. I believe that airTRFX is good not for only SEO, but to qualify our leads to the booking flow.”

Gabriel Tome
Senior Digital Channels Analyst, Azul

PROS’s Director of SEO answered some questions during the panel on the following:

  • Subdomain vs. Subdirectory – which is better for SEO?
  • Why is Dynamic Content important for SEO?
  • How do Custom Pages improve SEO?
  • How does Google’s algorithm updates impact airTRFX page SEO?
  • Will generative AI chatbots (like ChatGPT) eventually make SEO irrelevant?
  • Paid search vs. SEO – where should airlines invest?

Watch the full session