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Why CFOs should look into profit optimization software now

Volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous VUCA world has left Chief Financial Officers with a headache to steer financials and growth plans when inflation hit customers are tightening their purse strings. To achieve profitable growth in 2023 and beyond, CFOs will need the ability to make decisions and take actions at speed to adapt to rapidly changing market conditions.

Watch the on-demand recording to learn:

  • Current challenges for CFOs in the commercial arena
  • How to make pricing future proof
  • Benefits of automating pricing
  • Examples and case studies


Nick Boyer, PROS, headshot
Nick Boyer

Director, Strategic Consulting at PROS

Nick has more than 15 years of experience helping companies on their journey towards commercial excellence. He has helped a variety of companies generate an amazing ROI by transforming their pricing and commercial processes, including in Chemicals, Oil & Gas, Technology, Food, Industrial Manufacturing, Services and Distribution. Nick is a regular speaker at pricing conferences and events throughout Europe. Reach Nick at

Dr. Marcus F. Demmelmair, Horváth & Partners, headshot
Dr. Marcus F. Demmelmair
Principal, Competence Center Sales, Marketing & Pricing at Horváth & Partners

Marcus has been helping firms to shape and implement effective pricing and growth strategies at the intersection between business, analytics and technology for more than 10 years. Marcus supports clients in Europe, the Americas and Asia in generating top and bottom-line growth. Reach Marcus at

Caroline Burns, Regional Vice President, Sales North EMEA at PROS, headshot
Caroline Burns
Regional Vice President, Sales North EMEA at PROS

Caroline has more than 17 years of experience working with B2B companies, delivering software that supports both customer experience and commercial improvement. At PROS, Caroline is responsible for leading the Sales team across Northern Europe, enabling companies across the region to drive sustainable profitable growth through commercial excellence, pricing, and digital selling.