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PROS Named a Leader in the 2025 Gartner® Magic Quadrant™ for Configure, Price and Quote Applications
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Smart Price Optimization and Management (POM)

Key Capabilities

Smart Price Optimization and Management is an omnichannel pricing solution that defines pricing strategies, manages prices across multiple channels and geographies, governs pricing approval processes, provides analytics and insights to help manage revenue and profit, and delivers prices in real-time across multiple channels. Smart Price Optimization and Management is available for purchase in the two editions below:


Starting at


Talk to Sales

Great for businesses that need to create holistic, omnichannel pricing strategies and power their digital sales channels.


Starting at


Talk to Sales

Great for businesses that want to be equipped to respond the fastest to changing market patterns, with the best price, to win business and improve revenue and profitability.

Full Edition Comparison

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Omnichannel Price List Management

View, define and manage price lists for one or more channels (direct sales, partners, eCommerce, etc.), regions, Products, or Customer segments, to operationalize pricing strategy execution and rationality across sales channels.

Price Strategy Management

Build and manage dynamic pricing strategies. Simulate various pricing inputs to help refine and adjust pricing strategies.

Leader-Follower Pricing

Define and manage price item relationships to maintain rationality when performing mass adjustment of prices.

On-Demand Currency Conversions

Define, manage and convert automatically price lists, charts, and price evaluations for ISO-supported currencies.

Standard Unit of Measure Conversions

Leverage standard conversion rates between different units of measure. Execute automatic conversions between units for charts and price lists.

Mass Price Change

Perform scheduled price updates based on updated pricing strategies, costs changes and competitive pricing. Review and approve latest pricing and publish to Customer’s ERP.

Multi-tiered Pricing Approval Workflows

Price governance via multiple levels of approval workflows, including routing of price approvals based on pricing thresholds to specific roles.

Price Analytics (margin/revenue)

Predictive pricing models, configurable charts, and dashboard views. Ability to choose different data display options, filters, groupings and to zoom in on data and comparison tools. Intuitive workflow navigation between charts and price lists.

Price List Scenario Analytics

Create and compare different pricing strategies. Analyze outcomes via aggregated summary metrics (KPIs) and inline analytics.

eCommerce Integrations

eCommerce integration via standard APIs.

Real-time Price Delivery

PROS Pricing Evaluation API to power sales channels with real-time delivery of pricing information. Includes up to the specified number of price evaluations per month.

1 Million

3 Million

Customer-Specific Unit of Measure Conversions

Define and manage the conversion rates between a default unit of measure and alternative units of measure for specific Products and Customers. Display all Products in designated price lists for specific Customers in predefined units of measure.

Tiered/Scaled Pricing

Manage volume discounting by defining price scales based on the volume / revenues of units sold. Ability to choose the calculation method and displayed offset type.

Commodity-Based Pricing

Manage pricing strategies based on commodity index feeds, including averaging index pricing by days or months and calendar management for holidays and exceptions.

Agreement Price Sync

(Requires Advantage edition or higher of Smart Configure, Price, Quote). Automate multiple price changes as a set across existing customer agreements, with necessary reviews and approvals from Sales and Pricing stakeholders.

AI-Driven Price Optimization for Negotiated Prices

Deliver tailored price recommendations for sales negotiations, based on AI segmentation model(s) from supported metrics that considers historical transactions, Customers' willingness to pay and third-party data.


AI-Driven Price Optimization for eCommerce

Deliver optimized dynamic prices for eCommerce and digital self-serve channels, based on AI segmentation model that considers historical transactions, Customers' willingness to pay and third-party data.


Demand Forecasting

AI-based forecasting and optimization for the transportation, logistics, and commodity industries.



Capacity Aware Price Optimization

Deliver AI driven opportunity cost-based prices for products and services that are constrained by capacity and expiration date.



Cost Optimization

Deliver AI optimized cost envelope for products and services to recommend and influence procurement and future purchasing.



Extensible AI

Host customer-trained optimization models to tailor pricing and selling recommendations, and return results which can be orchestrated and integrated with other PROS services and PROS AI-driving price optimization models.



ESSENTIALS Talk to Sales
ADVANTAGE Talk to Sales

denotes product capabilities included as standard in a particular Edition.

$ denotes optional product capabilities which can be purchased either when signing your Order or during your Subscription Term. These capabilities are subject to additional annual Subscription fees and may incur a separate implementation fee.

*Additional Features Available: All products include data integration services, subject to additional professional services for configuration, and support various languages with system administration in English by default.

We strive to be transparent about our product packaging and the limits that apply and hope you find this catalog useful. Please note that the fees we list here are subject to applicable taxes and that all purchases are subject to the terms of service.

We periodically update this catalog, so please check back here for current information. If you’re looking for definitions of the terms used here, see our terms of service. If you have any questions, please contact sales.