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Three Priorities to Improve Your Digital Selling

Geoff Webb,

At a time where company’s best-laid digital transformation plans have had to be torn up and re-written, CIOs and CTOs are having to make tough decisions

For many businesses, income is reduced and there have been cut-backs on non-essential spending. But failing to invest in technology would be detrimental in the long run. So, what’s the secret to successful digital transformation? It begins with changing how you sell.

It’s the only way to evolve your organisation so that it drives meaningful, positive change quickly enough. And transforming your sales process as a priority, so that more products are accessible through digital channels is where you will gain the most value today. In fact, this is what your customers are now expecting. COVID-19 has accelerated the trend of buying goods and services online, since face-to-face interaction is not available. And there is no turning back. Brands have no other option but to embrace ecommerce and digital selling if they want to retain their customers.

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