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Real-Time Pricing Engine Data Sheet

The Real-Time Pricing Engine delivers instant prices through real-time price calculations that incorporate the latest information to provide personalized and competitive prices.

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B2B companies are transforming their Go-To-Market strategies and implementing eCommerce sites to address the shift toward self-serve. The challenge is that most of these eCommerce sites are not able to provide personalized and competitive prices that are also aligned with the other go-to-market channels.

PROS can help. The Real-Time Pricing Engine (RTPE) delivers instant prices through real-time price calculations that incorporate the latest information to provide personalized and competitive prices. Now, you can enable your eCommerce site to handle an extremely high number of price requests without impacting response time and system availability. This allows you to provide your customers a seamless buying experience. Download this data sheet to learn about RTPE and how it enables you to deliver personalized and competitive prices in real time.