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Partnering to Accelerate Time to Value and Maximize Your Potential

Three years of partnership with PROS has allowed Horn Solutions to get intimately familiar with PROS’ industry leading technology. Our diverse industry experience and Houston-based location coupled with PROS' broad customer reach affords us the synergy that positions Horn for productive partnership with your organization. René Aguiluz, our Director of IT Project Delivery and steward of Horn’s partnership with PROS, will walk you through our suite of offerings and assets that will accelerate the time to value for your PROS solution. At the foundation is your data and its quality, then leading the implementation of your CRM and PROS solution, then helping you continuously improve your customer and pricing solutions once you're live in Production. By partnering with Horn, we will set you up for success and help you reach your maximum potential.

About the Speaker

René Aguiluz is a problem solver, Director of IT Project Delivery for Horn Solutions, and a steward of Horn’s partnership with PROS. His strategic vision stabilizes support organizations and leads projects to fruition for clients by achieving maximum performance from IT solutions. Aguiluz has over 20 years of consulting experience leading effective software selections, multiple successful ERP system implementations, error-free conversions, seamless data cleansing efforts, and blip-free system upgrades. He is committed to ensuring his clients succeed. Aguiluz is from El Salvador and graduated with a B.S. in Chemistry with Cum Laude honors from Texas A&M University.

Full Transcript

René Aguiluz: Welcome, I’m René Aguiluz, Director of Consulting Project Delivery at Horn Solutions and steward of the PROS Horn partnership. Over my 20 year career, I've led multiple software selections and implementations for big 4 and boutique firms. I worked hands-on with PROS and their products for the last three years, and it's my pleasure to be here with you today to talk about how Horn Solutions, along with PROS, can partner with you and your organization to accelerate time to value and maximize the potential of your PROS and other IT solutions. Let me tell you a little bit more about Horn and who we are. Horn Solutions was formed in 2008 from a predecessor company that has been helping clients since 1987. We focus on two things outstanding service and affordable rates. We’re uniquely positioned to be a regional consulting partner to PROS because we offer project management services at rates below that of global consulting firms. Today, I'm going to guide you through Horn's offerings, our partnership model with PROS and how our expertise helps you, our clients, ensure the best outcome when implementing PROS. Some of those areas of expertise include data readiness, software selection, system implementations and support managed services....

René Aguiluz: Horn's offerings. Horn’s services synergize and help at all stages of project work from preparation through mapping and configuration. Data conversion about go live stabilization, and again, we can help you as you return to your normal course of business. Something that differentiates Horn from other consulting companies is that we offer project consulting resources, as well as a separate line of business that office staffing. This means that we have a vital pulse on the market for resources. Should you need to back fill for a vacation? Require an expert for a specific phase of the project? Or adapt to some unforeseen circumstance? Horn is uniquely positioned to assist, we call that built in risk management. What brings these capabilities together with you and PROS to ensure smooth and effective project delivery.

René Aguiluz: Partnering together. Our partnership with PROS is such that we both have a vested interest in helping you, our clients, succeed. We share the responsibility to deliver the projects. Horn’s personnel are both trained and certified to deliver the PROS Solutions. Project managers that oversee the project and ensure timely and quality delivery, as well as implementation consultants who perform the day to day technical work. Our resources are not only certified in PROS, but other technologies as well, such as SAP Oracle, JD Edwards, MS Dynamics, NetSuite to name a few. Additionally, Horn Solutions will kick start your project with documentation and process templates, as well as tools that we are co-developing with pros such as our data readiness assessment. Additionally, we're co-developing with PROS, reusable conversion connectors and other aspects. By concentrating on what we each do best, we can deliver the best results. Leveraging Horn's project management acumen and our pool of trained implementation consultants maximize the value of PROS involvement by placing them primarily in the solution expert role where they can excel. Of course, our clients are the experts in their business and their processes. And we leverage that knowledge while minimizing distractions. A project they provide to their day to day activities. It's our job to absorb the brunt of the projects that you continue to maximize and grow your business. We're not just saying this. We've done it. We've worked with PROS on several implementations over the last few years deliver quality results. This approach accelerates the value and helps ensure sustained value over time.

René Aguiluz: Let's discuss some of the ways that Horn Solutions can help. Data readiness. Data can sometimes be a four letter word. It's often overlooked as part of project preparation. Specifically, we want to help you be able to get your data ready so that PROS and any other application can use it. To ensure that your data is ready, Horn Solutions has data architects and project managers that can help. We review your data architecture and ensure all necessary data exists for the required joints and interfaces that the new solution may need. So our partnership with PROS who jointly developed an assessment tool that master data dimension by dimension, provides an estimate for the level of effort required to get your data PROS ready. Together, we can ensure that your data is consistent, complete, and we can guarantee that data quality is there to get the maximum benefit from the PROS solution.

René Aguiluz: CRM software selection. As you may be aware, PROS natively integrates with MS Dynamics CRM and Salesforce. And with some effort going to be integrated with any CRM of your choosing, including Oracle CRM, C4C, Sugar, Zoho and others. Horn Solutions can help you make the right software tools for business. Our software select selection methodology ensures that: One, your current business processes needs are well understood. Two, gaps between the current solution and the desired state are understood. Three, options are evaluated and shortlisted based on those needs. Four, vendor demonstrations are not just sales pitches, but actual demonstrations of how their products satisfy your key business requirements. We also offer analysis and impartial grading to help you make the best and most informed decision. Lastly, we partner with you and the vendor to implement.

René Aguiluz: System implementation. Our partnership with PROS allows us to be uniquely positioned to understand your business from the beginning of the process through the implementation. We know the history of the business decisions made. Furthermore, our close relationship with PROS is often a synergistic project management approach that leverages our strengths. We understand and appreciate everyone's role in the implementation process, PROS, our clients, and our own. System implementations depend on resources pooling their collective knowledge and working together in a unified fashion. Our partnership model with PROS ensures that we have ample trained, cost effective resources to get the job done, as well as the leadership to execute and deliver. Over the last three years, our resources have worked on or completed over 20 PROS projects. Horn has the leadership and expertise to get the job done and then enhance the solution as you grow.

René Aguiluz: For example. Horn Solution was engaged by a large PROS client on an existing solutions to support their sales and pricing and enhance their and pricing solutions, we created an organization to support their 300 plus sales reps by providing real time hands on solutions for things like data, setups and process related issues. For more complex items our team of PROS trained technical resources could deep dive into the configuration, as well as customize and use PROS code to determine when enhancements may be needed.

René Aguiluz: Lastly, our team works with our clients to prioritize enhancements, deliver them on a quarterly cadence. Since our engagement, our client has benefited from an improved experience with their PROS products and sees real value from their support spend, not just the cost. In fact, during our last review, the senior director told us that these are some of the best consulting dollars he's ever spent. In closing, I'd like to leave you with a sample support process to demonstrate how Horn Solutions can help. Across the top, we see a three support levels where level one is typically solved by end user training. Level two is more in depth involving data setups or escalations to other members. Level three requires technical assistance or research. In this model, our team plays the role of communicator. By helping route problems to those that can best solve them, basically our front line support team can help anywhere you see an arrow. If situations require technical investigation, our technical team coordinates with our client's internal and sometimes external vendor teams to provide that support. This is represented by the green boxes. Our team provides a robust solution to our clients organization and helps get them the most out of their investment with PROS.

René Aguiluz: Thank you for your time and attention today. The rest of our time will be spent answering questions. For additional information, please see the subsequent slide for contact information, visit our website at and/or check out our partner page here at Outperform. Best wishes to you all. And here's to increase sales, higher profits, improve margins and maximizing the value of your PROS solutions.