RTDP Advantage

Airlines RTDP Advantage is the key to turbo-boosting revenue, managing availability and smartly controlling each offer.

Real-Time Dynamic Pricing chart illustration

Modern customer demands have turned airlines into a digital retailer – and expectations are sky high. You now need to place scalable, accurate seat availability at the end of every channel, all while perfectly synchronizing rules, fares, and data.

But is that possible while keeping the cost of real-time inventory calculations in check?

The simple answer is yes, based on some of the world’s most advanced science.

RTDP Advantage places the power of smart science at the center of your pricing strategy with:

Availability Simulation – Simulate and analyze the impact of rules and market strategies without impacting transactions from external parties

Competitive Strategies – Match rival carriers in competitive markets by applying revenue management principles alongside informed decisions through the workflow

Revenue Protection – Protect revenue from cheating or inventory spoilage through Married Segment Control and evaluation of requests for revenue integrity

Request Compression – Improve end-to-end response times and increase time-to-value through the faster setup of VPN over the Internet as opposed to leased lines