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Your eCommerce Strategy is Accelerating

The pandemic forced an even greater behavior change among buyers, who are now demanding an entirely different relationship with their organization. And much of it is online. But many businesses aren’t sure how to make the necessary changes to adapt their eCommerce strategy.

While some B2B organizations may have good functional websites, many don’t have an eCommerce capability that enables buyers to transact and place orders completely contactless, without any salesperson being involved.

In this video, Forrester’s Senior Analyst Joe Cicman explains how business leaders can put together a winning strategy to adapt to the evolving expectations of their buyers.

Whether you’re starting your eCommerce journey from scratch or want to take the next step to maximize your selling performance, watch this video to learn:

  • How to get started segmenting your customers, segmenting your products, and mapping your buyer’s journey
  • How to build a plan for long-term transformation and near-term innovation