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Welcome to Generation AI: Creating the AI-Enabled Organization

As the AI Revolution gains momentum, organizational leaders everywhere are asking, “How can we leverage AI in our business?” Watch this session to hear Andres Reiner, President and CEO of PROS, alongside executives from PROS and PROS customers, as they explore different ways they’re using AI to sharpen their competitive edge.

Session Highlights:

[6:51 – 19:57] PROS team on infusing AI into everything that we do
[20:04 – 39:30] Customer and Partner Panel with Hewlett Packard Enterprise, Graybar, Turkish Airlines, and Microsoft

Full Transcript

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Emcee: Please welcome President and Chief Executive Officer of PROS, Andres Reiner.

Andres Reiner: Good morning and welcome to Outperform 2024. As you can see from the video, and just like every Outperform, a really impressive group of people is here with us. Outperform is a thought leadership event, and you're the world's most influential thought leaders representing more than 40 industries across 60 countries in every continent except Antarctica. I love how Outperform grows every year, and this year is my 25th year at PROS.

Andres Reiner: As you can see, I have not aged much. And I still remember our early Outperforms where we did a tour around the world and one representative from each customer got to stand up and give an update on their business. Clearly, we won't be able to do that today, but what I wanna say that I love the most is every day I get to work with the most innovative AI and with the most amazing people from our team, to our customers, to our analysts, to our shareholders. It's truly a privilege. And with this incredible talent that's assembled right here, right now, let's imagine together our dream job. And obviously in a dream job, we have everything we want to be successful. So it starts with an ongoing listening tour with our most experienced people who have the best knowledge of our history, practices, successes and failures, mentors in all roles in seniority levels across the company, available 24/7 to answer even your most basic questions. No fear, no shame. Have a tough decision to make, here's an all star team to give you recommendations backed by rich, up to the moment, accurate data on every facet of your business.

Andres Reiner: Let's not forget a rockstar executive assistant to organize our schedules and anticipate our needs. And finally, this dream job guarantees us the space time and tools we need to focus on the strategic aspects of our role. How does this sound? Amazing, right? So that future is here. Welcome to Generation AI. We're all part of Generation AI. In the future, people will say this generation fully embrace artificial intelligence. We're all creating this future and we will always be known as Generation AI. Generation AI is creating an enterprise of the future that digitizes our data, automates our workflows, and embeds AI into every aspect of our business. We're not afraid of this future. We actually embrace it. We love to experiment with new ways of doing things so that we can learn, adapt, and leap ahead.

Andres Reiner: AI will shift our mindset from the incremental to the exponential. We're just starting to experience the impact AI will have on everyone and everything. Of course, AI will have a significant impact on business, but the impact on humanity will be enormous and everlasting. AI will give more people the opportunity to achieve their full potential. We all work hard to hire great people. So why isn't every new hire successful? Did we hire wrong? Not necessarily. AI will give every person the tools they need to thrive. They'll be able to access your companies in the markets evolving knowledge and expertise so they can grow their careers at the pace they want to grow. It's as though everyone will have a personal coach to help them achieve more than they ever imagined possible.

Andres Reiner: And the idea of empowering people with AI has been a core foundational element of every solution PROS has ever built to deliver on our mission of helping people and in companies Outperform. We have always been an AI company. In fact, I'd say we've been an AI native company. And now, we're applying it beyond our solutions. We made infusing AI into every aspect of our business one of our strategic pillars. This is transforming our business to help our employees grow exponentially into driving amazing customer experience. We are so passionate about this. We wanna share with you what we've been doing. Let me introduce you to John Bruno, Tom Gorin, Damian Olthoff, and Lyndsey Valin. All four have been instrumental in driving AI adoption at PROS.

Andres Reiner: 
Well, thank you all for joining me on stage. It's always great to have our team and to be able to share a little bit about what we've been doing. John, I thought I wanna start with you. Why did we create a strategic pillar around infusing AI into every aspect of our business?

John Bruno: Yeah, it's actually funny. Quite literally, we have a front row seat to so much amazing transformation that is taking place within each and every one of our customers organizations. They're using AI to transform their businesses. And at the heart of PROS has always been AI powered products. So AI has always been part of our product DNA for a very, very, very long time. And now, we've really asked ourselves the question, why can't we just leverage that everywhere? So every aspect of our business, from marketing to customer support, to how we handle deliveries, it's really an opportunity right now for businesses to rethink how they operate. And we believe that AI is truly gonna be a game changer and for employees. We look around and employees are craving to develop new skill sets that are gonna carry them into the futures of their careers. And at the top of that list is AI. So in the spirit of helping people and companies outperform, we also wanna help our employees outperform by giving them those skill sets.

Andres Reiner: Yeah. I'd say a great point, John. We've always believed that if we wanna help people grow to achieve their full potential, us helping them leverage AI and use AI is a key component of that. Tom, you're leading data adoption Center of Excellence. Can you explain how we assess AI adoption opportunities at PROS and why we created the Center of Excellence?

Tom Gorin: Sure. And let me build on what you were both saying. We ran an internal survey earlier in the year and we found that more than 95% of our colleagues were very excited about the opportunities with AI. On top of that, we also found that more than 56% of them were already using AI solutions in their day-to-day. So that really drove us to figuring out how we could help everybody do or leverage AI in the best possible way. Now, what does that mean? That means we want to be looking at use cases. So what are the right use cases you should be applying AI into? We should be looking at the tools that we want to use to make those use cases a reality, and then we have to do it in an efficient, secure, and repeatable way. And so I'll talk a little bit about each of those points just to go in a little detail.

Tom Gorin: So on the use cases, it's important to look at metrics, things like ROI, time to value, breadth of application. That's really important to identify those right use cases. And then the other piece is, we wanna make sure that we don't repeat things that have already been implemented. So it's very important to keep track and catalog those use cases. From the tools perspective, we're very fortunate, as you mentioned earlier, to be an AI native company. I mean, AI's been the core of PROS since its inceptions from the beginning. So we've built our platform around being able to deploy those AI solutions effectively and in a very flexible manner so that we could support the best of breed at all times.

Tom Gorin: So we're using our platform to deploy AI, and we're implementing our own first-party solutions or best-of-breed third-party solutions. And the third piece is around data. And it's very important for us to have a very clear data strategy so that everybody has access to the data and knows where it is and doesn't have to hunt for it, and so this is the third thing that we've done. So, to summarize, use cases, tools, and data, all very important. So that's why we created the pillar around AI, that is also why we created this Center of Excellence that I have the privilege of leading. And in closing, I'll say that one of the first things that I did as part of this effort was to create our PROS AI Council, which brings in people from across the company to make sure that we support this effort.

Andres Reiner: Thank you, Tom. Damien, you're one of our early adopters of AI within the organization. When you're so passionate about leveraging AI, and how do you drive adoption across PROS?

Damian Olthoff: Sure. So we always start from a place of trying to understand how we help solve complexity for our business. And so one of the things that we've been doing for a number of years is just tracking where are we investing time and resources to be able to go solve those problems. When we saw that Generative AI came out and started experimenting with it, we saw very, very quickly the ability to unlock some of the things where we were investing time where we didn't need to. And one of the examples of this was we had spent a lot of time answering factual questions that didn't actually need legal advice, they just needed accurate answers quickly. And if you think about why is AI so powerful at being able to go help solve that, it's because it allows you to be able to get access to really deep knowledge very, very quickly. So when we started using it, our initial use case was, Let's just use it for our own team so that when someone has a question to be able to answer, we can go put it into the tool, answer the question on the data that we've trained it upon, and being able to be faster in what we do.

Damian Olthoff: So we started that probably about six, eight months ago, and we did it for six, seven weeks, and we iterated on a weekly basis where we were going through taking the questions that we were getting from field sales, RFP teams, et cetera, and doing feedback loops. And every single week, we'd go through and update the data. "Oh, wait. That's a new question." We actually had playbooks that had some of this content, and that was great. But sometimes we didn't. And how do we go through and supplement that on a weekly basis? We then rolled forward and said, "Well, this is working so well for us, what if we were to go open it up to other teams and give them the same access to the tool and let them start putting their questions and ultimately answers in?" And that's where things really started to take off and became really, really exciting.

Damian Olthoff: So, what that looked like was, again, we're still in this weekly motion of how do we iterate, so where we go fill in gaps in the questions. But we started seeing extra benefits that originally we hadn't even contemplated. So, things like teams that may have questions around data security, as a good example. Being able to use AI to get very, very deep, factual, contextual questions actually could be done much more quickly than even an expert could. So an expert might take 30 minutes to go through and write out some detailed answer. The AI can do it in a minute. And the cool part is that that's actually something that can be leveraged across the org, and as the data sets are improved, everybody has access to the same information in real time as it changes.

Damian Olthoff: So, it's just been incredibly interesting to see how much capacity has been created by that. And if you think about, to your comments of earlier, it frees up the legal team to get away from this kind of tedious, detailed, repetitive work, 'cause we're a small team, and allows the broader team to be able to, on-demand 2/47, get access to the answers to their questions. And we're not done. We're gonna continue to iterate.

Andres Reiner: Yeah, I'm curious, Damian, how does the team feel given that it is automating their day-to-day job? And we talk about sometimes people feel AI can be replacing their role. I felt your team totally embraced it and actually likes that this tool is being used. How did that...

Damian Olthoff: Well, I think we all start with a little bit of a fear of the unknown sometimes, but when you start experimenting with this technology or any other and you start seeing what's potentially possible in the future, it's really hard not to get excited about it. And when you have a team that's already spending a lot of just raw hours, and we have a growing business, well, the legal team is not growing with the pace of the business, but you want it to, being able to have that capacity added back to go solve more strategic questions and having the time to do it really got them excited.

Andres Reiner: That's great, Damien. And Lyndsey, I love your team is always thinking about driving faster time to value an amazing customer experience. Can you talk a little bit about how you're leveraging AI to accomplish that goal?

Lyndsey Valin: Absolutely. It's really exciting on the delivery side, the professional services side. So I'm gonna talk about three capabilities that we're looking at, and one is actually coming from our development team. So Hari Krishnan is a solution architect in the development team and he's built the capability to leverage Generative AI to help automate data discovery and data ingestion. So, as we know, having good data into a pro system or any system that's gonna leverage AI is so important. And with this capability, it basically means we can take and export from a customer's back-end ERP or CRM system, and rather than spending time working on analyzing and translating that data, the AI is doing that for us. So this makes it a really fast and seamless experience. It's a super exciting capability, and I do wanna give Hari a plug because he's gonna give a talk on this and a demonstration of this capability tomorrow at 3:45, so definitely encourage anyone out there that is excited about this, as excited as I am about this, go check out that session.

Lyndsey Valin: But in addition to the data ingestion, we're looking at all kinds of ways to, again, accelerate time to value across the life cycle. And two other examples, one, we're looking at how we can automate test case generation. And this is a capability I'm so excited about, because I think we can pass it to our customers. So, we've got an internal bot that we've trained on our materials, and we've actually uploaded screenshots of configured systems. And the Generative AI is coming back with a base set of test cases, which, again, is really giving us the leg up, it's accelerating that process, and giving us a foundation on which we can build even more robust test cases.

Lyndsey Valin: And we're even looking at Generative AI to help us configure solutions. So, we know that using natural language, we can prompt those bots, and it will come back with levels of configuration for us. And for me, this is really exciting, because for our own teams, that helps us again, accelerate, but it's also a way we can extend that capability to our customers when we think about the way that they might want to evolve or change their system as they take ownership of it. So, we're just at the beginning, too, there are so many cool things we can do in the delivery side, so, I'm excited.

Andres Reiner: Thank you, Lyndsey. And John, maybe to end on you, we've talked a lot about internal adoption of AI, but I'm sure with a lot of customers here, they also wanna know what new AI innovations we're adding to our platform. And I know you can't cover them all, but if you could share a few insights, that would be great.

John Bruno: Yeah, I'm thankful that we have a couple of days here because there's a lot. But I'll share three that I think are really exciting for me. So I think a lot of you know us for our capabilities around price optimization. What we've also added is capabilities around cost optimization. It's not only are you addressing the outbound price based on a willingness to pay, but when you're able to juxtapose that against cost, you can truly optimize for margin. The second area I wanna highlight is something that I think our airline customers is gonna be really, really, really excited about. And that is we've developed some new elasticity models, and we've coupled those with our request-specific pricing capabilities. And what that's going to do is gonna unlock a new opportunity for airlines to really capitalize on the revenue potential that currently today gets lost in between fare classes. So think about it as a continuous pricing curve that allows you to capitalize when there's demand and willingness to pay, let's say, above a certain fare class.

John Bruno: And lastly, I wanna tease an upcoming innovation that we'll be delivering in the second half of this year, and that is a next-generation rebate management solution built on top of the PROS platform. And so what's really excited about that is when you think about creating the offer, the price is one component of it, but if you're able to also optimize around rebates and rebates and prices together, you can truly optimize both on and off-invoice promotions really to drive the ideal customer behavior and long-term relationships that you're looking to drive. So there's so much more that we could cover. We've got so many sessions over the next two days to unpack all of those things, but I'd say it's a really exciting time to be at PROS, and the pace of innovation is just truly remarkable.

Andres Reiner: I totally agree, John. Well, thank you, John, Damien, and Tom, and Lyndsey for participating in this panel. We really appreciate your passion towards AI adoption at PROS and the impact that you're driving.


Andres Reiner: Now, I'd like to continue the conversation with some of our amazing customers and partners so they can share their journeys. Please join me welcoming to this stage Jennifer Dudley, Dale Sheff, Dr. Kerem Kiziltunc, PhD and Lori Lamkin. Thank you, all. Okay, obviously, we're excited to hear about how all of you are innovating, and thank you for participating in this panel. Jennifer, you had a bold vision on how to empower self-service commerce for both direct and your channel at HPE, and I thought if you could share with us a little bit about the journey and how AI help power that experience.

Jennifer Dudley: Great. First of all, a big thank you to Andres and all of you for having us here today as customers. Lori and I are both from the Seattle area, so it's great to get some sunshine. And I also wanted to add that our thoughts are with all of you who have friends and family in Houston who are still recovering from the storm. So, thank you for being here even in that struggle. So, to Andres' point, at Hewlett-Packard Enterprise, we have been on a multi-year journey to enable our sellers, both our channel partners and our internal sellers, to do more self-service configuration, pricing, and quoting. And that journey has been possible in part because the pricing optimization that we've integrated with from PROS is allowing us to guide sellers based on pricing guidance and their empowerment.

Jennifer Dudley: Now, those sellers that we're enabling are really driving the experience for our customers overall, and what we're seeing in this journey is that by enabling their self-service, and they really started at 0% when we began this journey about eight years ago, to where we are today, at about 75%. We're in turn enabling a customer experience that allows us to turn around configurations, quotes, and prices faster as a means to the end of winning more business.

Jennifer Dudley: Now, the sellers that are joining us on this journey are becoming increasingly digitally savvy. They join at a point in their careers where they're already very familiar with digital platforms, and they expect from the solutions that we provide to be able to be as efficient and effective in their business engagements as they are in the consumer front. And so we're having to continue to up-level the game. As you heard Lyndsey mention, there are a number of additional ways that we're bringing AI into that experience. Those include, in addition to the self-service quoting, the ability to get in-application support and the ability to browse a catalog of solutions that looks at attributes rather than a detailed bill of materials where they can reference an estimated price and a starting point price. So tremendous opportunities to continue to improve the experience along this journey for our customers and really to deliver on that dream job that you mentioned for ourselves.

Andres Reiner: That's amazing, Jennifer. I mean, to get to 75% self-service for B2B is an incredible accomplishment. How has that enabled the sales team to focus on other areas? And what was the impact to the business?

Jennifer Dudley: That's right. One of the key measures that we think about in the sales experience is the amount of time spent on selling activities in contrast to administrative activities. And this is, of course, a journey for us. We are continuing, as we drive adoption and raise familiarity with the tools to be able to enable more and more self-service, but we are seeing, when we look at sales experience survey results, that we're relieving the challenges with the quoting experience overall through self-service, and we see in cases where we're going back and refreshing some of that training that self-service is jumping by up to 30 percentage points. So real proof points that that experience is in fact getting better.

Andres Reiner: That's great, Jennifer. And Dale, you started the journey by using price marketing cost optimization to really help the sellers drive success. Can you talk a little bit about that journey?

Dale Sheff:
Yes, so thank you, Andres. When we started out engaging PROS to use AI to set the target price, we quickly realized that we also needed to look at the cost side of the transaction and also the gross margin rate. So we worked with PROS, we now do AI to look at all three. And by looking at all three, that really helps us provide that better price envelope to the sales rep. As we were rolling this out, we were getting a lot of feedback from sales reps, so, "How can AI do the job better than I can do?" And we wanted to give assurance to the sales rep that we're not trying to replace them. We're trying to help them with more information. And so when I would interview sales reps and talking to them and say, "Well, how do you set the price?", and then like, "Well, I've been doing this for 20 years, and I have this really good Excel spreadsheet."

Andres Reiner: And I think we've all heard that story before, haven't we?

Dale Sheff: So I said, "Well, how does your Excel spreadsheet help the college grad we just hired six months ago?", and that's who we're really focusing with this AI, is to help, help Graybar be future-ready with that next generation of sales reps. So we told the veteran sales rep, "You're successful. Keep doing what you're doing. We just wanna help give you more information so you can help build more relationships."

Andres Reiner: Yeah, no, it's a great example, we talk about AI helping everyone achieve their full potential, and the differences between very experienced individuals in your organization and new joiners. And that's really the transformational ability on AI. Dale, when you started to impact, I felt there were a couple of things that were very impressive for me to see from the outside. One, you were going into a highly inflationary time period, a lot of change in the market, and you drove adoption very quickly. And I would love for you to share a little bit about how the AI models adapted to all of this change that was happening in the market and the overall business benefits.

Dale Sheff: Well when we started with PROS, we started in the fall of 2020, so right deep in the pandemic. So at that time, the supply chain was very hectic and we were seeing tremendous amount of cost pressure. When we went live in March, we were then able to look at our cost position on transaction and reset the price in real time. We update our guidance weekly, so we were able to look at that cost, reflect that in the price so that the sales reps are able to give a more profitable price. And with doing that, we were able to improve our margin rates by over 10%. So we were real excited and we're able to show everyone immediately how AI was helping the sales reps make more commissions. And so that helped with adoption. Andres Reiner: It's amazing that both the sales reps win and that your business actually drove increasing margin for the first time during an inflationary period. It was great to see that. So thank you. Dr. Kerem, airlines have not been new to AI. In fact, you deployed AI for demand forecasting and revenue management, and that's driven quite a bit of value over a long time. How is Turkish Airlines embracing this latest wave of AI innovations to drive even more value to customers and the business?

Dr. Kerem: Yeah. We've been a PROS partner since like 2010, so we've been getting your help in growing our airline for more than 10 years.

Andres Reiner:
We're very proud of our partnership.

Dr. Kerem: Thank you. And over the last two years, we have actually started a more ambitious program to deploy our PROS solutions to the cloud, and then deploy the group sales optimizer module, which has been a very asked feature from our field. And currently, the willingness to pay is in production and they are working towards dynamic pricing throughout end '24 and '25, actually. So, it's an ongoing project. In parallel, we are also doing a lot of similar stuff on the cargo side to increase revenue optimization opportunities as well. So, it's a great journey, and it's helping our bottom line, absolutely. And we are looking forward to do a lot more stuff on the personalization side of things to get even better opportunities. Andres Reiner: Yeah. Actually, Turkish has always been focused on personalization and customer experience. What other opportunities you see to apply AI to drive full offer optimization? Dr. Kerem: I think the advantage with offer optimization is like you can look at the customer journey end-to-end rather than selling seats and managing classes and price points. You can look at the entire customer's intent from the beginning of his or her journey, start creating packages, bundles, offers, not only for the AI experience but for the entire travel experience. So I think there are very good opportunities there, intermodals like we might be able to price train transfers or like car transfers, etcetera, ground transfers as well so. Andres Reiner: It's an interesting journey in the travel industry really thinking about and it really applies to every industry moving from selling SKUs or a seat to selling on experience and that experience can be so wide and for travel it can be pre-travel journey, in-flight, post-flight and what we can create to really create an amazing customer experience and the abilities to apply AI there are really limitless.

Dr. Kerem: Absolutely, I mean even today we can, based on your persona, if you're buying from our digital channels, we can create an offer for your extra bag or like business upgrade. So opportunities are there. Andres Reiner: All those opportunities are there that both drive revenue improvement and as well an incredible customer experience. Thank you, Dr. Kerem. Lori, Microsoft has fully embraced AI and I find it interesting that it's both for internal adoption as well as obviously in the forefront of your product innovation strategy. Can you share with us a little bit about the Microsoft AI journey?

Lori Lamkin:
Sure, yeah. It may have seemed like it just was an overnight boom but it was actually long in the making. We had a lot of investments in various AI technologies including OpenAI and in fact in Dynamics we had shipped several features in our suite of products that have been in market for over three years that were based on GPT technology. So when we saw the advancements that that technology made, we knew we had something great here based on all of this research and investment we've done. And so of course we've been working to infuse it in all our products and also make a series of AI first experiences for sellers, finance folks, and customer service agents in order to make those great customer experiences you're talking about. But of course we wanted to adopt it ourselves and we looked at how the company made the cloud transition and what it took to really mobilize a company this large to refocus on a new business and really kind of enabling an AI revenue stream.

Lori Lamkin:
And so we really had to pivot a lot of our company metrics so that support, sales, product development, all of the go-to-market was really engineered around how we can generate new AI value even though at the beginning it's very small compared to the rest of our business. So I think that was key in kind of getting our own company pivoted and then using it ourselves. Our whole sales field uses Copilot for Sales and of course Dynamics for Sales. Our customer service team uses the customer service products. So we really look to get value out of that and how we can develop experiences in the natural flow of people's work because the more that we have to train people, the harder the change management is. So we're really looking for, as you were talking earlier, those assistants, those chief of staffs, those analysts, those people, all that knowledge coming right in the flow of work.

Andres Reiner:
Got it. Now it's really amazing to see all the innovations that Microsoft has driven and obviously we've been proud partners for over 15 plus years and way from the beginning on the OpenAI innovations we've embedded into our platform. But one of the areas we're really excited about and I would love for you to talk about is our co-innovation on the Copilot for Sales that we've done jointly. Lori Lamkin: Yeah I'm very excited about Copilot for Sales. Basically we know that sellers are spending most of their time or want to spend most of their time communicating and talking to customers. What we found is that they're spending a lot of their time updating their CRM or on a series of administrative texts and when they are communicating with customers, it is using our office collaboration products. And so we thought why don't we get the CRM to work for the customer in Outlook, in Teams, to help that seller engage and create that customer experience and assist them real time versus sitting over in a CRM. And so automatically being able to recommend updates and really do things that help the seller know more about the customer and develop a deeper connection in their flow of work. And so working with PROS it's been great to be able to get the whole ability for them to get a great quote as a part of being in a meeting or being communicating in Outlook and then being able to really dive deep into the PROS experience and get all of that wealth of information. So it really helps the seller with their end-to-end experience with the customer.

Andres Reiner: Yeah what I love the most about the Sales Copilot is that to me I've always felt that we're building technology to help people be successful. And I think for me CRM has always been a tool more for management oversight than to make the rep drive more sales. And what I love about the Sales Copilot is a rep being able to take an email, create a response that takes into account all the knowledge you have about that account, and be able to power a quote in real time owning that seamless experience. You're not moving out to a separate CRM, you're not moving out to a separate quote system, it's all embedded. And now we've chained the LLM models with our Gen 4 guidance to drive that seamless experience. And keeping people to be as productive as possible and having all the tools they need to drive success, that's a great example.

Andres Reiner: And I commend you on making that technology work with all the CRM platforms like or Microsoft. I know many of our customers are on multiple CRM platforms in large multinationals. You may have multiple instances of multiple CRM platforms and this tool can actually give you a seamless experience. So I think that that's ultimately making the rep more successful, which will make the company more successful. One last thought that I'd like each of you to give and leave our audience with, and maybe I'll start with you Jennifer.

Jennifer Dudley: So I think the key takeaway for us is that we want to meet sellers where they are with the capabilities and tools that they need in order to quote faster, more simply to customers, and ultimately to win more business. Dale Sheff: I would say for me the final thought would be is don't underestimate the importance of change management. We've all been here talking for AI for an hour. You think most of your employees haven't spent an hour thinking about AI all year. We all believe in AI. It's very intimidating to your employees. So you need to recognize that, help them understand how AI is complementing their work, not replacing their work.

Dr. Kerem: Well I think it was airline's dream to create like chatbots and similar agents to serve the customers, and we've been experimenting with those for the at least for the last 10 years. With this conversational capabilities and agents that are coming these days, the last two weeks has been full of announcements from Silicon Valley about those things. I think there's hope that we will be able to create real travel companions for our passengers, and we're really looking forward to those going forward us. Lori Lamkin: I guess I'd say at Microsoft we really believe this technology is changing the world. We really believe that every role, every business, every industry is going to go through a major transformation, including the way people interact with computers. So I'm really excited to see how this impacts sellers, and how we can really tap into their ability to really develop great relationships with customers, and drive revenue for businesses, and really boost the power of that part of the organization.

Andres Reiner:
Totally agree. Please join me in thanking this incredible panel.


Andres Reiner: Thank you Jennifer, Dudley, Dr. Kerem, and Lori. Really appreciate it. We greatly value the amazing partnerships that we have. It inspires us every day to do more. So a while back the bold statement was that every company would become a software company. That's now very, very real, but soon every successful company will be an AI company. This shift is happening fast. If you wait and see, you will fall behind. The people in companies that embrace AI will outperform everyone else. So don't limit yourself. No matter what industry you're in, AI will transform your business. No matter where you are on this journey, now is the time to accelerate. You can activate any of our solutions to drive profitable growth faster than ever. We believe that AI will transform how we help people grow. That's why PROS is an AI-native company. And that's why we want to help you reap the benefits of AI in every aspect of your business. The PROS promise is that we will always give you the most advanced AI in the world to power your profitable growth strategies. And PROS will always be here to innovate and collaborate with you. Together, we are defining Generation AI. And together, we will outperform.