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Mastering Price Optimization: Build Trust and Alignment with Sales Teams through Price Recommendations

Fostering a closer connection between pricing and sales teams can have a significant impact on a company's revenue growth. Yet it is often easier said than done.

In this webinar, we delve into the dynamics of winning your sales team's trust through strategic price recommendations. We demonstrate how to fine-tune resulting price recommendations, enhancing your chances of sealing the deal successfully. And most importantly, we reveal our proven techniques for presenting these recommendations in a way that fosters trust among your sales team and ensures seamless adoption.

Key Takeaways:

  • Harnessing your sales team's pricing experience to gauge customer expectations
  • Adapting and refining price recommendations to maximize deal closure
  • Strategies for presenting recommendations to earn the trust of your sales team


Dominic O’Regan, Senior Strategic Consultant - PROS, headshot, circle cropped
Dominic O’Regan
Dominic is an experienced Business Consultant and Sales professional with a solid track record of over 12 years in SaaS companies. He’s been helping companies across all industries in UK and Europe identify opportunities to improve margin and revenue performance through the implementation of pricing and sales optimisation strategies. Dominic holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Mathematics and Computer Science from Brunel University.