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Price Management Excellence: How do I efficiently benefit from more advanced pricing strategies without disrupting my business?

In the ever-evolving business landscape, efficient price management is not just important; it’s critical for maintaining competitiveness and fostering sustainable growth. Many businesses, including yours, may find themselves wrestling with the complexities of implementing more advanced pricing strategies without disrupting their business operations.

The concerns are multifaceted: Does my business need to change prices more frequently? What are the costs involved to design an appropriate solution? What if I don’t have sufficient data? What will be the cost and time required to generate an ROI and prove to stakeholders that my pricing initiative has been a resounding success?

In this webinar, we explore solutions to these challenges and learn how to implement dynamic pricing strategies that stay ahead of cost fluctuations and competitive pricing changes.

Key Takeaways

  • Implementing dynamic pricing strategies for agility and competitiveness
  • Keeping costs down and deploying pricing initiatives faster
  • Proving ROI and demonstrating the success of your pricing strategy


Nick Boyer, Senior Director, Strategic Consulting at PROS, headshot
Nick Boyer
Senior Director, Strategic Consulting at PROS
Nick has more than 15 years of experience helping companies on their journey towards commercial excellence. He has helped a variety of companies generate an amazing ROI by transforming their pricing and commercial processes, including in Chemicals, Oil & Gas, Technology, Food, Industrial Manufacturing, Services and Distribution. Nick is a regular speaker at pricing conferences and events throughout Europe.