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Delivering Efficient Growth for the T&L Industry

Throughout 2020/21 transport and logistics hasn’t stopped moving … the covid pandemic has seen online eCommerce boom, air cargo capacity dwindle as we all went into lockdown, container shortages, and even a vessel blocking the busiest shipping channel in the world! And now, delicate, time-sensitive, and lifesaving vaccines need to be flown to every corner of the world. 

Currently, the air cargo market is slowly approaching healthier demand levels with capacities cautiously stabilizing. It is expected that supply/demand rates will push elevated rates throughout the peak season and through to 2022. With that being said, air cargo leaders are taking decisive steps to cope with the ever-volatile nature of the market.

Industry Pioneers are Investing in Digital Tools 

The clearest demonstration of carriers adopting new strategies   saw airlines ripping out seats from passenger aircraft main decks and creating additional  cargo load space – launching “preighters.” The long-term winners of this global shift are those who have embraced the digital imperative.

These industry leaders have digitized their market strategies, alongside enabling selling and distribution directly to customers. With limited sales resources to meet increased demand, maximizing efficiency is key. Therefore, encouraging customers to self-serve and opening new distribution channels helps to free up time for sales teams to focus on more strategic work.

Connecting to digital platforms and expanding your online footprint is the new way to market and underpinning this omnichannel distribution, with a scalable modern suite of tools is the key to success.

Leveraging Technology to Optimize Future Growth 

As for the future of this market, airlines are expected to further depend heavily on their freight business. Slow return of passenger demand will lead to network growth. Expansion will need to be underpinned by cargo bridging the gap until the full return of passenger demand. Building back more efficiently is a common theme across the industry.

For many businesses, investing in tools to help a leaner sales team maneuver demand spikes and get optimized offers to customers quicker is their priority.

For others, maximizing revenues on every deal by injecting deep science into their dynamic pricing is step one. 

Whatever your plan, PROS has the tools to help you drive efficiencies and meet your growth goals. The PROS Platform and our transportation & logistics solutions optimize every shop and sell experience for every player along the supply chain for: carriers, shippers, and asset-lite logistics service providers. 

To learn more, reach out to one of our experts.

About the Author

Leah Skendle is on the Sales and Alliances team and supports the success of PROS partnerships. She enjoys bringing creative ideas to the table and has a knack for PowerPoint Presentations.

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