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Managing Margins in Times of Inflation

As inflation continues to reach new historic highs, it’s critical to understand what it means to price effectively. After all, pricing that doesn’t keep up with the changing economy, supply chain issues, and competitor moves can mean the difference between major revenue lift or leakage.

The experts from PROS, Accenture, and Wacker share their insights on:

  • Why upgrading pricing and commercial excellence is more important than ever before
  • How to master the challenges around economic shocks, supply chain shortages and skyrocketing material prices
  • Why sophisticated price management and optimization is no longer a luxury


[01:45]: Context around inflation
[03:37]: Wacker on the the key challenges they are facing
[08:18]: Accenture on the key challenges companies need to tackle urgently
[10:30]: Accenture on what companies should do to better be able to react to market volatility
[13: 45]: How Wacker's pricing has had to adjust to try to prevent margin erosion
[18:43]: Wacker on leveraging index-based pricing
[21:15]: Accenture recommendations to companies that need short-term actions
[24:00]: Wacker on how they got their sales team and customers on board with the changes and how they manage allocations
[27:40]: How the PROS Platform can help address the challenges of inflation
[31:17]: Q&A