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Ramping Up the Pricing Function: How to break down the 5 common barriers of a pricing software project?

When considering the widely acknowledged benefits of implementing a pricing platform, many companies run up against a number of common barriers. There are 5 prevalent roadblocks that often persuade them that maintaining the status quo is better than progressing on a journey towards commercial excellence, potentially adding 1-3% of revenue to their bottom line. In this webinar we investigate how to tackle each of these obstacles:

  1. We will not be able to convince senior stakeholders of the ROI
  2. The impact on IT will be too high
  3. Our data is not to the required standard
  4. We will not get the user adoption needed to generate the ROI
  5. We have too many other initiatives that will get in the way


Nick Boyer, Senior Director, Strategic Consulting at PROS, headshot
Nick Boyer
Senior Director, Strategic Consulting at PROS

Nick has more than 15 years of experience helping companies on their journey towards commercial excellence. He has helped a variety of companies generate an amazing ROI by transforming their pricing and commercial processes, including in Chemicals, Oil & Gas, Technology, Food, Industrial Manufacturing, Services and Distribution. Nick is a regular speaker at pricing conferences and events throughout Europe.