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PROS in the Healthcare Industry

The old approach to healthcare pricing strategy was characterized by intuition, opaque pricing, delays, and migraine-inducing inconsistencies. We’ve changed the game. Facing increased regulation, industry consolidation, the growing power of buying groups, GPOs, and IDMs can be overwhelming. PROS builds sales tools to leverage your collected customer data into an asset that will take you from reactive panic to responsive confidence.

Key Points

PROS Enables Healthcare Companies with Analytics, Automation, and Prescriptive Intelligence 

  • Navigate the market with newfound agility
  • Better serve savvy customers
  • Expand profitability easier, smarter, and faster
  • Empower your sales team
  • Manage price exposure risk
  • Help your business thrive

In This Video

[0:00]: The Reality of Today’s Healthcare Industry
[1:21]: How PROS Can Help

Full Transcript

You are working every day to deliver products and services that improve patient's lives. Your commitment is steadfast and uncompromising, despite the drama and uncertainty of an ever-changing healthcare environment. ...

Not only are you faced with increased regulation, industry consolidation, and the growing power of buying groups, GPOs and IDMs, the entire patient payer  provider network has shifted its buying focus.

Gone are the seemingly unlimited budgets for the latest in medical care and technology, replaced with a new demand for value-conscious  pricing that's tightly tied to patient outcomes.

As a result, it's no longer about growing market share in a favorable environment. For most healthcare manufacturers, it's about finding ways to manage bleeding dollars amidst unprecedented price pressure. Add to that, an increased risk of price exposure from complex pricing agreements and contracted dependencies.

And it's pretty clear you need control over realized prices and clear visibility into customer profitability.

If your pricing and contract processes aren't supported by the power of purpose-built pricing technology, the long-term health of your business is in jeopardy. You need a healthy regime of data science and automated price management to navigate the market with newfound agility, better serve savvy customers, and expand profitability easier, faster, and smarter.

With PROS, you can empower your sales team to successfully navigate pricing discussions with astute negotiators like IDMs and GPOs using pricing, supported my data science. Effectively manage your price exposure risk, and get the visibility and the profitability you need to effectively manage price strategy.

PROS data science, driven applications, analytics, agility, and prescriptive intelligence provide you with the data and insight you need to better serve your customers and help your business thrive.

Realize your revenue and profit potential with PROS perfect blend of simplicity and data science so that you can get back to doing what matters most. Delivering the products and services that improve patient's lives. Contact PROS today.

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