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The Rise and Fall of Segmentation in Pricing: Adapting to Modern Realities

Every pricing professional recognises the pivotal role segmentation plays in refining pricing strategies. The more you can segment, the better your prices, right?

As new techniques are replacing the traditional approach, we look at why segmentation became the go-to strategy for pricing professionals, and why new concepts are taking over. In this webinar, we analyse the Pros and Cons of segmentation, critically examining its efficacy in today’s dynamic market, to see if and where it might have a future.

Key insights:

  • Dynamic Market Forces: explore the impact of rapidly changing market dynamics on traditional segmentation strategies and how businesses can adapt to stay ahead.
  • Segmentation-less Pricing: showcase the power of modern AI to see how it is outperforming segmentation-based models, enabling businesses to drive margin and revenue improvements.
  • Executive Communication: how to illustrate the power of modern pricing approaches to get executive buy-in, and monitor performance to hit your pricing targets.


Dominic O'Regan headshot

Dominic O’Regan
Senior Strategic Consultant – PROS
Dominic is an experienced Business Consultant and Sales professional with a solid track record of over 12 years in SaaS companies. He’s been helping companies across all industries in UK and Europe identify opportunities to improve margin and revenue performance through the implementation of pricing and sales optimisation strategies. Dominic holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Mathematics and Computer Science from Brunel University.