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PROS in the High-Tech Industry

The tech market means super-short product life cycles, lots of hungry competition and ever-eroding prices. Whether you’re selling OEM parts, components, semiconductors, or software, you need a cutting-edge sales and pricing system to thrive.

5 “Must-Do’s” in the Technology Industry

  1. Stay ahead of the competition
  2. Be ready for the next market disruptor
  3. Stop wasting time with manual processes
  4. Do not leave pricing to “gut instinct”
  5. Better serve your customers

PROS Enables Technology Companies with Analytics, Automation and Prescriptive Intelligence 

PROS solutions enable tech companies to have faster, easier, and smarter sales processes. Whether it’s making inventory transparent for your team, creating a pricing foundation for all types of customers, or getting the right price every time, PROS solutions are here to help make your lives easier. With PROS, you can maximize profit, revenue, and customer satisfaction. 

  • Make the sales process easier, faster, and smarter
  • Create a pricing foundation for all types of customers
  • Get the right degree of pricing rigor for every possible combination 
  • Make inventory transparent for your team
  • Maximize profit, revenue, and customer satisfaction

In This Video

[0:00]: Current Challenges in the Ttech Iindustry 
[1:21]: How PROS Can Help

Full Transcript

You're working hard to stay a few paces ahead of the competition and keep a lookout for the next market disruptor. Innovation is the name of the game, but if you're overlooking outdated sales and pricing processes, it's like trying to run your business on dial-up. Whether you're selling OEM parts, components, semiconductors, or software, the marketplace is always hungry for whatever's newer, faster, and better. So when today's profitability impacts your ability to invest in tomorrow's products, leaving pricing to gut instinct and spreadsheets can cost you, big....

Most technology suppliers offer two primary sales paths, an online portal that's fast, but offers either uncompetitive or sub-optimal pricing, or alternatively, a complicated escalation and deal review path, or tailored pricing that may require days to weeks of patience. Both options underserved, your customers, even worse, you're turning away other potential customers and partners altogether. When product lives are short and slow sales can lead to shelves of obsolete products, you can't afford to overlook your most powerful profitability lever, pricing.

Without efficient or effective pricing, your reps will miss their sales targets and you'll give up ground to the competition. Take back your lead by upgrading your customer's experience through faster quote turnaround times and competitive pricing. Make your sales process easier, faster, and smarter with PROS data science-driven pricing and quoting. With PROS, you can create a pricing foundation that's effective for all the ways your customers want to do business through eCommerce, value-added resellers, and direct sales.

Get the right degree of pricing rigor and automated thresholds for every customer, product, deal, and channel combination. Put profitability focused data-driven pricing that's based on customer willingness-to-pay right in your partners and sales teams' hands. PROS data science-driven applications with analytics, automation, and prescriptive intelligence provide you with the right data and insight to keep your business moving ahead of the competition. You'll be amazed when you discover how many sales and willing buyers you've been missing out on due to slow, outdated pricing, and quoting processes.

Turn your losses into wins and realize your revenue and profit potential with PROS perfect blend of simplicity and data science. Contact PROS today.

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