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The ABCs of Airline Offer Optimization and Retailing

Offer optimization can mean many different things to experts in the airline industry. There are many definitions and approaches that can help airlines not only personalize offers to travelers but also allow airlines to maximize revenue. 

To guide your journey to airline offer optimization, the PROS Solution Marketing team, Aditi Mehta and Stanislava Yordanova, have outlined the PROS approach in two quick videos.   

Airline Offer Optimization encompasses two major steps: optimizing your revenue streams and gaining control of your distribution and retail. By no means are these steps in any order or have to be completed one after another. Airlines can focus on ways to maximize revenue via sophisticated revenue management strategies while simultaneously looking at how to create personalized ancillary offers while scaling across distribution channels. 

In part one, we outline what we mean by offer optimization and how airlines can optimize revenue streams.

In part two, we discuss how personalization, scalability, and control are key in accelerating an airline’s ability to transform its eCommerce and to enable airlines to become stronger retailers.

About the Author

Aditi Mehta serves as Solution Strategy Director for PROS Airline industry and solutions. As an experienced product and digital marketer for the Travel industry, Aditi is passionate about the technology and ideas transforming the industry today.

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