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Agrica Group Streamlines its Sales Process Across Sales Channels with PROS Smart CPQ


Pierre Blachon, Agrica Group Vice President of Policy Management Services, explained
Agrica Group’s challenges: “Customer satisfaction is our top priority. Because each
customer has their own needs, we must offer personalized proposals and specific
products. To achieve this goal, we considered it necessary to rethink our commercial
approach. This provided the impetus for adopting a solution to harmonize our methods
and propose innovative solutions with greater simplicity.”

Solutions Tailored for Specific Needs

Agrica Group’s healthcare, savings and personal protection offerings consist of a core
package of benefits to which supplemental or optional guarantees may be added. The
level of complexity of each product varies considerably. Some represent standard offers
while others include a combination of features that are complex to price. “The objective
with PROS Smart CPQ is to facilitate the sales process for all of these offerings, both
through online platforms and in branch offices, by creating proposals for each customer 
at the right price point and coverage that meet their specific needs,” Blachon said. With
Smart CPQ, Agrica Group can propose modular solutions that meet the specific needs
of the companies and individuals it serves.

Harmonizing Methods and Tools

“To generate commercial proposals, advisers had an underwriting pricing tool
developed four years ago that required constant and costly updates,” Blachon
continued. “From now on, with PROS Smart CPQ, we have a single sales tool
covering the entire spectrum of products available to the network of advisers.” 


Integrated directly into Agrica’s IT system, PROS Smart CPQ serves as a common tool for
product information and quote generation for savings, personal protection, and health
coverage solutions. The marketing department can now custom-design new products,
define corresponding rates, and establish sales scripts for deployment across the entire
sales network or internet, all in just a few clicks.

Using a web interface, the sales tool equips Agrica advisers at the group’s 18 regional
branch offices to create immediate offers. At the branches, on the phone or on customer
visits, advisers are guided through an interactive script to build modular proposals
perfectly adapted to customers needs. It also allows the sales network to create
proposals in real time and simulate different scenarios.

Smart CPQ is also deployed on Agrica’s website and serves as a virtual adviser, guiding
online customers to select the best products for them. Through a dynamic questionnaire,
it proposes customized products and rates. And, if the online customer wishes,
identification data and simulation information can be transmitted to customer service
teams for a follow-up discussion.

The objective of this type of service is to generate traffic, facilitate access to Agrica’s
product offering, identify interest and provide Agrica’s network of advisers with
information about customer needs for more effective commercial follow-up. Launched
successfully, the Smart CPQ project represents the first phase in revamping Agrica’s
commercial information system. Next, Smart CPQ will be integrated with Agrica’s CRM
platform and contribute to the development of personalized marketing approaches.
After that, Agrica plans to take this even further by using Smart CPQ to propose a new
service to customers: obtaining policies online.


For customers

  • Personalized solutions tailored to specific needs
  • Enhanced, interactive product information

For marketing and sales teams

  • Consistent level of quality of service across the network
  • Improved commercial follow-up

For advisers

  • 100% pricing accuracy
  • Compliance with Agrica’s sales process
  • Fulfillment of legal and regulatory obligations
  • Rapid issuance of reliable quote